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Oil Heater with Combined Heating

Oil heater with combined heating is designed for heating oil of various viscosity and oil emulsions in oil preparation process technology in the fields, as well as during its transportation.

Possibility to heat the product in the heater up to 110°C allows to use oil heaters with combined heating in heavy oils treatment, as well as in oil and gas condensate stabilization technologies. Designed to be used in areas with moderate climate, location category 1 as per GOST 15150.

Standard Scope

  • heating unit with burners;
  • fuel treatment unit;
  • ventilation unit;
  • automation system.


  • Principles of “soft” oil heating in the intermediate heat transfer agent fluid (fresh water) and in the environment of moderate temperatures of fuel combustion products, as well as eliminating coke deposits on the coil walls and disturbances in its operation are implemented in the heater
  • Use of heat exchange intensification made it possible to significantly reduce dimensions and weight of the heater in comparison to well-known domestic and foreign equivalent
  • Adopted design solutions ensure high efficiency, cost-effectiveness, environmental friendliness and safe operation of the heater
  • Efficiency is 87%

Burner with aerodynamical control GSAU-300 (developed by Samara State Technical University) used in the heater design allows to optimize the thermal performance due to:

  • increase of radiant component of heat output from flue gases to the furnace wall due to displacement of the torch flame core;
  • increase of convective component of heat output due to increase of axial velocity and degree of flow turbulence;
  • possibility of adjusting the torch length;
  • reducing the content of nitrogen oxides in off-gases down to 65–70 mg/m3;
  • reducing energy costs for blowing by 2–3 times;
  • increasing the inter-repair life of furnaces by 10–12 months


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